Do Men Like Women With Tattoos?

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Women with tattoos are attractive for many reasons, whether it be directly tattoo-related or not. Tattoos are a symbol of so much more than they physically represent. They represent many characteristics that men find attractive in women. These include being self-confident, creative and open to sharing their story. Along with this, men like women with tattoos for the physical attraction of it all, being the physical tattoo placement or how the tattoo compliments their bodies. To explore this question, we can look at the many reasons why men love tattooed women.

Men Love Women With Tattoos, but why?

Men like women with tattoos for a variety of reasons. Some men might enjoy the thought of a badass woman with a full sleeve, while others want to know the story behind a small wrist tattoo. Regardless, here are some of the main reasons why men are drawn to tattooed women.

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They Show Off Their Personality

There are many other reasons – outside of physical attractiveness – why women with tattoos are beautiful badasses. Tattoos themselves are beautiful, but the reasoning behind the tattoo can be even more beautiful. Women with ink aren’t afraid to tell their story through their bodies and get permanent art that represents it. Men love women with tattoos because they can already get an impression of what the woman is like, her interests, style, etc., based on her tattoos. Tattoos present a powerful way to relate to someone and their uniqueness.

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They’re Sexy

If you’re asking the question, ”Are tattoos attractive on females?”, you’ve come to the right place. We can’t ignore the obvious visual element of why men love tattooed women. Tattoos are sexy, and specific tattoo placement can draw attention to specific areas of a woman. According to a study conducted by Nicolas Guéguen, men were found to be more likely to approach a woman on a beach who was sporting a visible tattoo as opposed to a woman was tattoo-less. 

Photo by Wesley Carvalho from Pexels

They’re Intriguing 

Seeing someone’s tattoos automatically makes you want to get to know more about it, and them at that. Tattoos are not just an awesome conversation starter, but they bring you into a deeper part of that person’s life and personality from the get go. Men love women with tattoos because they can already feel connected to something important to that person right from the start, and build a basis for a budding acquaintanceship, friendship or even relationship.

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What makes tattoos appealing to men?

Many women have a number of tattoos, but what exactly is it about those tattoos that makes men attracted to them? According to a study by Zensa Skin Care, out of 1,000 participants, 43% of them came to the conclusion that the pure artistry of a tattoo on a woman is what makes them love it. This goes to show that men love women with tattoos for more than just sex appeal.

Another part of this is related to the tattoo placement. This same survey by Zensa Skin Care found that the sexiest placements of tattoos on women are the hips, shoulder and upper back, with the lower back and upper arm coming ranking high as well. If a man isn’t fixated on the concept or meaning behind a woman’s tattoo, he may be more enamored with the placement itself.

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All in all, men love women with tattoos because they embody what it means to be a strong, confident, sexy woman. They physically embody their style, stories and passions in their ink. Men have many reason to love tattooed women, and the combination of mystery, sex appeal and genuinely makes it hard to look away.


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