Talking with Kimmie Spiz – Mother, Entrepreneur, Avid Tattoo Collector

Kim is a Mother, Entrepreneur and avid tattoo collector. Thank you for joining me today. Let’s start off by telling me a little bit about yourself and where you’re from originally?

I am a 35 year old Born and raised city girl from Chicago, Illinois.
Full time mother of four, wife, business owner of KSpiz Enterprise LLC, ambassador, multi-published tattoo model/Vice-President for Working Tattooed Beauties, and social media influencer!

By Kimmie Spiz

Talk about your tattoos, your tattoo artist and modeling

What started your journey into the tattoo world?  

Growing up I have found heavily tattooed women strong, fearless, powerful and attractive. I always dreamed of being that beautiful heavily tattooed woman one day! After having the family I always wanted, I jumped on my dream wagon of tattoos. I first competed in the Inked Magazine Cover Girl Competition in 2021. I progressed all the way to the quarterfinals and enjoyed every step of that competition. The competition made me step a little out of my comfort zone while promoting myself and helped inspire me along the way to fully dive into the tattoo modeling world.  I know I may have started a little late in my tattoo journey (31 years old), but I’m so glad I waited till then because now my art is meaningful and not regrettable!

By Ken Spizzirri

As a tattooed woman what are your hobbies and what are you most passionate about? 

My hobbies include: Art, photography, creativity and of course makeup!  I enjoy anything artistic or taking anything and creating something new and unique! This is why I refer to my body as a canvas and my tattoos as works of art! The majority of my photos I take myself.  I love posing in front of the camera and showing the world my body art. Makeup is a huge stress reliever for me as well.

I am most passionate about helping and uplifting others, especially other moms. Being a mother to 4 daughters and being a mother in general takes a toll on us, our appearance, body shape, emotions, mental state, etc. I want other mothers to know I too struggle with all of these things daily, but I want other moms to know that it is ok to put yourself first once and while.  It is important to take some time for yourself.  Not only is it healthy for me, but it is healthy for my relationship with my children. Confidence is key to success and happiness. My tattoo modeling has given me this confidence and inspired me to share what I’ve learned with other hard working mothers.

By Kimmie Spiz

Your neck tattoos is gorgeous. Can you tell us about it and how long it took to complete? 

“Did that hurt?” Is what I get asked EVERYWHERE I go! Of course it did, but honestly it wasn’t that bad. I guess you can say I have the mentality that the finished piece is going to be everything I have ever wanted, which makes the pain tolerable. The tattoo was finished in about 2-3 hour sessions. Since getting my neck piece I definitely noticed it is a head turner/jaw dropper for sure. Being very introverted and shy, it has taken me some time to actually get used to having a bold piece that draws attention and is a topic of conversation. Even though it was kind of a spur of the moment tattoo I do not regret it all. Yes, the people in my life thought my idea of a neck piece was CRAZY, but hey it’s gorgeous and it’s ME!

How do you decide what tattoos to get?  Were they spur of the moment or do you plan them out in advance? 

I waited to start my tattoo journey until later in life so that I could have tattoos that represent experiences that have shaped me into who I am today. My tattoos represent my life story. All my tattoos have been well thought out.  Well I take that back, my neck tattoo was spur of the moment 😊. I knew I always wanted a neck tattoo, so one day I was like screw it i’m going to get it now!

By Keven Strong

I love your “Lion family tattoo” on your right arm? Tell me about that and the meaning behind it please.

My favorite tattoo would have to be my lioness and 4 cubs! The lioness represents myself and the 4 cubs represent my 4 daughters (11,10,8, 3). My children’s birth flowers also surround this piece. My children are my whole world and I want them to know to always be themselves and do whatever makes them happy. I’ll always be there to support their decisions. I feel that being a mother who is heavily tattooed shows my children to be true to themselves and not to follow the “crowd”.  Being different is ok. My whole tattoo journey is meant to show my girls it’s important to have strength when it comes to following your dreams.

By Kevin Strong

Presently what do you do for work other than modeling?

I own my own online business of custom clothing and gifts, KSpiz Enterprise. This is another avenue where I am able to share my artistic passions and abilities.  I am also co-founder/VP/Model of Working Tattooed Beauties (WTB).  This is an organization that promotes hard working women that share the same love and passion for tattoos. WTB Purpose: To spend time promoting ourselves and our careers by doing group projects and utilizing our different locations for mass exposure.

What are some of your favorite things to do in life?

Other than getting tattoos, I love spending quality time with daughters, family and close friends and we are always busy doing something together.  I also love to travel, when possible, and pushing myself to do new things. 

By Kimmie Spiz

Do you have a favorite tattoo artist or do you frequently use multiple artists for your tattoos? 

I have been with the same artist for all my tattoos his name is Kevin Strong of Firehouse Tattoos. Since I was first tattooed by him, I was blown away! He has an incredible ability to make my vision come to life! I knew he was going to be my artist for the rest of my tattoo journey. Kevin has a complete understanding of what I like in a tattoo and creates masterpieces in the exact style I envision. I trust him 100 percent to take my idea and turn it into a beautiful work of art that expresses my style and personality. We are currently working on a full leg piece and I told him “I am leaving this art piece up to you, you know my style so work your magic!” Obviously blown away on how incredible it looks already. I’m so excited to see the finished piece.

By Kevin Strong

Tell us about your Interests, hobbies, and goals

What are some of your all time favorite movies? 

My favorite holiday is Halloween so I really enjoy horror movies but I have love for comedies as well.  Some of my favorite Halloween movies are: Child’s Play, IT, Trick or Treat, All Rob Zombie movies, and, of course, Nightmare before Christmas! My favorite Comedies are: Elf, Step Brothers, Grandma’s Boy and Taladaga Nights (Pretty much all Will Farrell movies LOL!) A guilty pleasure I have is any murder documentary series or movie. This tends to be what I watch the most and can’t stop watching. 

By Kimmie Spiz

What kind of music do you like listening to? 

This question gets me every time. Well, the simple answer to this is I listen to everything from country to heavy metal. It really depends on my mood that day.  If the house is a disaster, then heavy metal it is. When I’m relaxing in the sun or at the lake, country music it is. If I’m driving around with the kids, well  pop music it has to be because that’s what they enjoy. 

By Kimmie Spiz

How would you describe your personal style? 

Well, I would say my style is very unique and can vary depending on my mood. Overall I would describe my style as elegant and sexy, yet dark and rebellious.  I enjoy merging different styles and bringing out the sexy in everything.

By Ken Spizzirri

What are some goals you have set for yourself and what are you doing to achieve them? 

The main goal I have is to be the best mother and wife I can possibly be.  My kids are everything to me and they take precedence over everything else. In the same breathe, I want to represent hard working mothers and show that being a prominent tattoo model is a great example of strength and fearlessness for our children. Everyday I push myself to go beyond my comfort zone and not let any outsiders discourage me from pursuing my dreams.  I look to my supporters for courage and confidence to continue my journey. Without the love and support I get from the people that truly believe in me, my path would be a lot tougher. I will always be looking for new ways to promote myself and strong platforms to share my story. 

By Kimmie Spiz

Thank you for talking with us and letting us get to know you more. We wish you all the best in all that you set out to achieve.

Follow Kimmie’s Journey here: Linktree


By Kimmie Spiz

Meet some of our other featured tattooed women here: