For Alice, Tattooing is More Than a Job — It’s Her Life

Photo courtesy of Alice

Alice is a tattoo artist who has a gift of creating custom, unique art for her clients. Born in Milan, Alice grew up drawing with her dad, and developed a love of art that has turned into a deep passion for tattooing. She embraces every aspect of life, from its challenges to its triumphs, and takes pleasure in the simple things that enhance life to its fullest. Alice has stunning tattoos of her own, describing them as parts of herself she knew she was always meant to have. It was a pleasure to learn about Alice and her perspective on tattoo artistry, life, and her passion for creating art that enhances peoples lives.

Hey Alice! I’d love to learn a little about you to start. Could you give us some background on yourself?

I was born in 1996 in Milan, Italy. I grew up with my mom and my dad. Since I was a child, I have been drawing with my dad, and it was him, who gave birth to my passion for tattooing and art. I remember I used to get home from school and just couldn’t wait to start drawing. I’m a tattoo artist, I’ve been working for about 7 years, and year after year I’m more and more enthusiastic about what I do. I’m currently working in Milan at my friend Stizzo’s “Best of Times Tattoo” studio. 

Photo courtesy of Alice

How would you describe yourself and your personality? What are some traits you have that you feel make you unique?

In recent years I have realized that I am a very lonely person. I open my heart to very few people. I am a sociable person, I love talking to my clients or with some friends, but I appreciate it more when I come home. I close the door, listen to some music and prepare dinner. I enjoy dealing with people, but in my free time I prefer to spend it alone, or with my family or partner. I am a simple person, I love simplicity and transparency. I learned to notice everything, every detail, it makes me feel like I’m really part of my life, and it makes me feel like I know the world and people much better. Tattooing for me is not a job, it’s my life. I fall in love every single day with my life, even if it’s hard. Even if I’m sad, I’m more creative; dissatisfaction creates improvement, and improvement creates more self-confidence. When you know what you want from life, you can be free to create and be true with yourself and with other people. 

Photo courtesy of Alice

You are clearly a very talented tattoo artist – your work is absolutely beautiful! Tell us about how you first got into tattooing, and what that journey has been like from then, until now?

I became passionate about the tattoo world thanks to my dad. Every day after school we drew together, and it was a very beautiful moment that I remember well. He has always been a tattoo enthusiast, and when I was 16 he took me to my first tattoo convention in Milan. From that moment, I understood that this would be my path, and I no longer had different ideas about it.

So, I started studying and drawing, and then I went to a friend’s studio from high school. There, I began to understand how I should move in the tattoo world, which tattoos I was passionate about, which style I appreciated most, and what I was inclined to do. The first two years weren’t easy at all. I had to work hard, without getting much in return, but this made me realize that I was increasingly sure of which path I was going to take. Year after year I understood more things, and I continue to grow. This makes me happy. My customers trust me, also, because I show myself clearly with them. 

Photo courtesy of Alice
Photo courtesy of Alice

Could you talk to us about what your tattooing career means to you?

Tattooing is my Ikigai, is a Japanese term that means “one’s reason for being and for existing”.  In fact, “iki” in Japanese means “life” and “gai” means value: ikigai, therefore, is the purpose of one’s life or one’s happiness. For me, tattooing means creating something tailored for my clients. I like to create something aesthetically beautiful on their skin, based on their personality, their history. I follow the lines of the body and muscles to create my works; it is a fundamental aspect because it allows me to create 100% unique work created exclusively for each of them. As I said before, tattooing for me is not a job, it’s my life.

Photo courtesy of Alice
Photo courtesy of Alice

Talk to us a little about your style of tattooing. Why do you prefer this style? What is it like to take on a traditional approach in a modern world?

The style that has always caught my attention is traditional Japanese, it is a style that carries with it a huge history, and a lot of elegance. I love contrasts, especially those between ancient and modern, and I find that the real challenge is to find a balance between the two, allowing them to coexist while exalting each other.

Photo courtesy of Alice
Photo courtesy of Alice

You have absolutely stunning tattoos yourself! Could you tell us about how this passion started for you, and a little about your personal tattoo journey up until now?

The tattoos I wear feel so much a part of me that I don’t notice them anymore. My passion has always started thanks to my dad, but I’ve always felt the need to complete myself, without something too invasive. I didn’t want to change my body. I’ve always felt that my tattoos were a part of me even before I got them. When I started with the first sleeve, I realized that a unique and well-defined project had an incredible impact on the body, and an important aesthetic result.  So, I understood that tattoos, for me, should be conceived as clothes to be designed to measure, directly on the body.

Photo courtesy of Alice

Do you typically plan your new tattoos, or are you spontaneous? 

At the moment, it’s been a year since I got my last tattoo, simply due to the fact that I want to plan my tattoos to make big projects that look good on the body. However, during the design, I love to be spontaneous and leave free space for the artist to advise me on the best solution.

Photo courtesy of Alice

Your arm sleeve tattoos stood out to me right away – Especially the snake tattoo. They are so unique and beautiful! Talk to us about the inspiration behind some of those tattoos?

Thank you! I have no hidden meanings behind my tattoos, but I love that through tattoos, my story is also told through the choice of subjects that reflect my tastes at that moment. I love giving a continuous meaning to the tattoos I wear, also finding new meanings based on the different periods of life I’m facing. Surely, the main inspiration is the Japanese philosophy of simplicity and balance.


What are some other hobbies and passions you have outside of tattoos?

Besides tattooing, I love photography, fashion and art. In my spare time I like going to the gym, and studying for my job. I love being quiet and listening to good music. I like to appreciate life, trying to enhance every moment of it. I also love good food and cooking.

Photo courtesy of Alice
Photo courtesy of Alice

What do you see for yourself in the future, career-wise as a tattoo artist, and for life in general? 

Surely in my future I see myself always doing this job, with some more knowledge. My job is part of my life because it’s my passion, so it’s definitely my biggest goal. I would love to improve my techniques and let all the people that follow me know about the importance of getting a tattoo that really enhances their self, for the rest of their life. 

Thank you so much for sharing with us! Could you leave us with one of your favorite quotes or messages you’d like to share with the world? 

“A world of grief and pain

Flowers bloom

Even then” 

― Kobayashi Issa

Alice TW
Photo courtesy of Alice

Thank you Alice!

Follow Alice on Instagram @alismindtattooing to see more of herself and her beautiful work!


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