Bust Out of That Rut and Get Back to Being Fully You

Tattooed Women

September 13, 2022

At some point, we all get stuck. Leaving us feeling unmotivated, unfulfilled, and uninspired, ruts come in all forms: emotional, professional, creative, and physical. They can be minor (visiting that...

Three Great Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief

Carolyn Rousch

September 7, 2021

Have you ever noticed how your breath changes when you’re scared or anxious versus when you’re calm? We naturally take quick, shallow breaths when we’re stressed. When we’re relaxed, our...

How Nature Alleviates Depression

Angela Kempf

June 17, 2021

When’s the last time you called your mother? And, no, I don’t mean the person who gave birth to you. In this case, I mean mother nature. It can be...

Adopt a Pet to Improve Your Life (and Theirs)

Carolyn Rousch

May 26, 2021

One of the best things to come out of 2020 was something nobody could have predicted (assuming we could have predicted anything about last year): a record number of pet...

Unlock the Benefits of the Wim Hof Method

Carolyn Rousch

May 23, 2021

If it’s true that there’s a fine line between genius and madness, Wim Hof has made his home on that line for years. A Dutch athlete whose legendary status comes less from what he’s...

How Tattoos Can Increase Body Positivity

Angela Kempf

May 27, 2020

Ask a tattoo enthusiast, and chances are, they will tell you that their ink is more than just art. In fact, tattoos can increase overall self-image. For everyone, not just...